Press treatment of the new Suez Canal project in social networking sites:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism - Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


This study is based mainly on analysing the contents presented by the official and popular pages of the New Suez Canal project, through careful monitoring of all the contents and the traditional and new journalistic forms available on these two pages on Facebook. The study came up with the following results:
1- It is noticed on the official and popular pages the dearth of journalistic templates created by the Internet, whether the multimedia story that includes press texts and pictorial materials in addition to the hypertext, as well as infographics or so-called "interactive files", and finally the successive tape of pictures.
2- The interactive tools were not clearly employed in the two pages under study, either by the users of the page or those responsible for it, as we sometimes see the comments in the same direction as the published content.
3- The sources of the two pages were limited to official sources only, so experts in the field of marine engineering, civil society organizations, or even Egyptian citizens did not have the opportunity to express their views on this gigantic national project that is supposed to change the map of the Egyptian economy in the coming period. 
4- The study revealed the use of the official and popular pages as a tool for indirect propaganda of the Egyptian Armed Forces and the Egyptian Army by publishing some press content that raises the importance of the Egyptian army and its armed forces. 
5- On the official and popular pages, the researcher monitored clear journalistic violations related to the misuse of the Arabic language sometimes, and inaccuracy at other times in writing the names of journalistic sources. Perhaps the absence of professionalism and standards of journalistic work comes at the forefront of the causes of these violations. 
