Peer Review Process

  • The arbitrator should express his opinion with integrity and without any prejudice to any of the parties.

  • Scientific research shall be judged with absolute secrecy in order to prevent manipulation and theft of scientific research.

  • The arbitrator must provide his notes, opinions, criticisms, and directions.

  • The arbitrator must refer to the paragraphs that he has impersonated, and he must attach the original reference with them.

  • The arbitrator must be able to distinguish between scientific plagiarism and the error that occurs as a result of a researcher's inexperience or inadvertently.

  • The arbitrator must have sincerity, honesty, and integrity in work. He must also be objective and put personal relationships on one side, and not let them affect him.

  • The arbitrator should also be patient, and not be in a hurry while judging the researches.

  • The arbitrator must also be able to keep the arbitration secret.

  • The arbitrator must also be familiar with all standards and controls of scientific arbitration.

  • The arbitrator must also have sufficient information about the subject of the scientific research he is judging.

  • The arbitrator must also make the arbitration at a time when he finds complete comfort.

  • The arbitrator must also respect the effort made by the researcher in scientific research.

  • The arbitrator must use gentle words that do not offend the researcher while the arbitrator directs the notes for scientific research.

  • The arbitrator must verify the quality of the research before issuing his decision to dismiss it or not.