Palestinian youth attitudes towards rumors during the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip in 2014

Document Type : Original Article


Head of the Department of Journalism and Information, Islamic University Gaza – Palestine


This study came to shed light on the attitudes of the Palestinian public towards rumors during the crisis of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip in 2014. The most important results of the study: 1- The study showed that the respondents obtain information during crises, from social networks by 82.76% in first place, radio and television in second place with 77.59% and in third place websites with a rate of 67.24%, and this may be due to the speed and immediate transmission of news to these means and ease to get it.
 2- The study showed that the participants deal with news and information that have no sources or are classified within the framework of rumors in different ways, as it came in first place through verification and searching for its source with a rate of 41.4%, and this means that the participants have awareness of the importance of the source of information, news and difference between news and rumors.
 3- The study showed that the cause of the spread of unknown news and rumors is due to stirring terror and shaping public opinion in particular, in first place with a rate of 79.3%.
4- The study showed that rumors are aggressive behavior against society and expresses the psychological complex deposited in the souls of individuals, where the consent of the respondents came to a large extent on that.
5- The study showed that the reasons for the spread of rumors during the crisis of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip in 2014 are due to the fact that rumors increase in wars and it is considered one of the methods of war in the first place with a percentage of 27.6 and in the second place the lack of awareness of the masses of propaganda and psychological warfare methods by 25.9%. 6- The study showed broad agreement that rumors increase with technological development and the increase in modern technologies and multimedia.
