The role of social networks in correcting the image of Islam on the Internet:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Journalism, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University


The research examines the role of Social Networking Sites in correcting the image of Islam on the Internet, in light of what is called in the media literature, the media image as a theoretical entry point for this study through conducting an analytical study of sites hostile to Islam to clarify the frameworks these sites used in their introduction to Islam, the paths of proof and the strategies that were adopted in addition to a field study on a sample of media professionals and professors of Islamic law.
The results of the study showed the necessity for social media to introduce Islam and its rituals in a simple, easy and accessible manner by which non-Muslims know the greatness of this religion, while highlighting the aspects of agreement between Islam and other religions, especially Christianity, in common matters such as the Ten Commandments and the stance on wine, adultery, parenthood and work for the hereafter. Putting links to sites responding to suspicions raised about Islam, the Prophet of Islam, the Qur’an and Islamic legislation, and confirming that Islam is a religion that accepts the other and has dialogue with him, and that the spirit of Islam is full of acceptance of the other and the sources of Islamic law have guaranteed him full respect and full preservation of all his rights, and that dialogue has noble manners and principles. Islamic law professors also emphasized the necessity of using social media to repel the attacks and attempts to evangelize Muslims by highlighting direct calls to convert to Christianity in the countries of Islam, especially poor Muslim African countries. At the same time, these networks should be used to respond to the suspicions of Christians and criticize worship.
