Television Nostalgia among Egyptians in the age of forties

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Ain Shams University


This study focused on addressing television nostalgia among Egyptians in their forties. It is concluded from the results that the largest number of the sample feels nostalgic at a high degree for the following: old television sets, black and white broadcasting, technical materials in black and white and color, programs that are no longer presented at the present time, children’s programs, live talk, television interviews, program guests and most of their characteristics and broadcasters as individuals. It is noticed that most of the sample feels nostalgic about the features and characteristics that are related to defects and negatives present in television at the present time, especially those related to departing from good ethics, dialogue etiquette, customs and traditions, and norms, the decline of the language of dialogue, the weakness of culture, lack of seriousness and commitment in appearance and behavior. The results show that the nostalgia towards television in the past not only leads to feelings and emotions, but also to activities that are practiced to express this nostalgia, especially the collection of video tapes and DVDs of black and white and color films that were presented on television in the past, in addition to preserving television materials. This refers to the use and employment of modern technology in expressing nostalgia towards television in the past.
