The development of public relations and organization reputation management studies:

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Public Relations, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University


The problem of the study is determined in monitoring and analyzing foreign and Arab studies that dealt with the management of organizations’ reputation and the factors of its formation, the role that public relations and institutional communication play in building and strengthening reputation, analyzing the theoretical frameworks, approaches and information gathering tools used in these studies, and analyzing the most important results they have reached. The studies reviewed by the researcher reached a number of results that can be summarized as follows: The reputation of the organization represents an invisible component that contributes to supporting its position in society and in the marketplace, and all organizations of different types agree with this, whether governmental or private, production or service, local or international. The good reputation of the organization leads to a number of positive results, including: retaining qualified and skilled workers, attracting new competencies to work in the organization, supporting its brand in the markets, supporting its ability to face problems or crises, while the bad reputation leads to the opposite. There are multiple factors for building a good reputation. Public relations contribute to managing it and developing communication strategies and plans aimed at fixing these factors and expressing them among all groups of the public.
