Uses and gratifications of Arab families of dubbed Turkish serials provided by satellite channels

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, College of Social Sciences - Umm Al-Qura University


The problem of the study is determined in knowing the extent to which Arab families are exposed to the Turkish dubbed series, the motives for their exposure, the gratifications achieved from it, and the role that these series play in the lives of those families, whether positively or negatively, in light of the values, customs and traditions that these series carry that may conflict or conform to the values ​​and norms prevailing in Arabic societies.
The most important results of the study:
- 34.5% of respondents watch dubbed Turkish soap operas every day, while 23.5% watch them for less than three days.
- The most important motives for watching Turkish soap operas for males is knowing how others live with similar or different economic and social levels from me by 24%, and for females it is about romantic topics that I like to follow by 19%, and knowing how others live with similar or different economic and social levels from me, and my attraction to personalities. The series impressed me with their looks and behaviour by 18% each.
The percentage of emotional gratifications achieved from watching dubbed Turkish series presented on satellite channels reaches 31%, while entertainment saturation reaches 30%, followed by cognitive gratifications to 28.5%, and the percentage of affective gratifications achieved among male sample members reaches 34%, and the percentage of saturation Recreation achieved among female respondents reaches 33%.
