Vision Determinants effects on eyes' path in the electronic Arab Newspapers: A Quosi-Experimental Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Media at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - South Valley University


The study problem studies the relationship between the site as a home of importance, and the forms presented by electronic newspapers that attract attention, "pictures, headlines, and colors. "This is through testing the hypotheses of the traits theory, and on this basis the research problem is determined in "The effect of vision determinants on the path of eye movement in Arab electronic newspapers: a quasi-experimental study." 
According to the results of the study, the classic vision pathways that give priority to the site represented in the F model and the Z model can be reviewed, and some of the determinants of the vision that give priority to the perceived object in attracting attention can be reconsidered.
The weaknesses of the classic paths of vision lie in their assumption of the coercive importance of certain sites on the page regardless of whether the object attraction.On the other hand, the determinants of vision emphasize that the components of the object are the main element in attracting attention.The study found that there is a correlation between the determinants of vision and the areas of importance in favor of the determinants of vision represented in color and size.
The study concluded that the assumptions of the theory of integration of features of the determinants of vision have more scientific stability than the theory of the classical determinants of vision.
