Features of the discourse comments of readers of electronic newspapers on the Civil Service Law by applying on the site of "youm7"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University.


Then this study seeks to monitor and analyze readers’ comments speech on the "youm el sabee" website about the law Civil Service No. 8 of 2015, and to what extent did that speech create a public space for discussion of that law by providing equal opportunities to participate in the debate and exchange views about it.
The main results:
-The results indicate that the comments on the news stories related to the civil service law on the el youm el sabee website expressed the idea of ​​deliberative discussions via the Internet and had several components, including the multiplicity of the participants and their interaction with either other readers or with the editor and their involvement in the presentation and discussion
-The results showed the diversity of news published on the el youm el sabee website about the Civil Service Law No. 18 of 2015, foremost of which were news about the Parliament’s position on the law, then news that dealt with the repercussions of rejecting the law,
- Regarding the intensity of comments on news about the law, the largest number of comments was on news about the parliament’s position on the law and the government's reactions to the law.
-The results showed the predominance of medium-length comments, which indicates the readers ’interest in presenting and justifying their opinions, which resulted in a state of debate, especially since the law represents great importance to readers.
-The analysis revealed the diversity of the attitudes of the commentators towards the law, although the prevailing trend that emerged through the analysis was the trend opposing the law supporters. 
