The role of tactical intelligence in framing and ideologizing journalistic discourse during economic crises :

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Sohag University.


The study aimed at describing and analyzing the processes of processing and forming journalistic content related to the crisis of floating the Egyptian pound, whether within decision-making circles or inside newsrooms, and this was reflected in loyal, opposition and neutral press discourses.
The analytical study was applied to a sample that includes Al-Ahram and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspapers, the sites of the seventh day, Al-Badil, Al-Masryyoun, and the State Supporters Union, while the field study was applied to a sample that includes (20 items) of economic editors and heads of economic departments in newspapers and websites The study sample
The results of the analytical study revealed the predominance of the ideological character over the treatment of the crisis, as the pro-journalist discourse focused on the frameworks of economic reform, enduring suffering, conspiracy, the only alternative, and the economic consequences, while the opposition press discourse focused on frameworks of economic failure, political uncertainty, economic alternatives, and outcomes.
The results of the study confirmed the hypotheses of the propaganda model of Chomsky, as it was shown that national and private newspapers play a social role, which is to spread and consolidate the economic, social and political agenda of political power.
