The relationship between the use of Egyptian and Saudi university students for YouTube as an e-learning tool and the level of their learning motivation:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


By interacting with students at the university and observing their educational behavior, a large discrepancy was observed between students in the level of their learning motivation, as some students have no motivation to learn, and others are trying to create for themselves a goal they seek to achieve, and there is a group in between that changed their learning method and was given an impetus to learn through modern technology and social media. These, and especially YouTube, helped them to learn in a different way with the audio, visual and kinesthetic stimuli provided and that are essential in the learning process. This leads us to accept that the motivation towards learning may be better for the learner, which makes the learning process more effective, and this will ultimately lead to an increase in the learner’s efficiency. 
