The role of infographics in developing journalistic contents and layout visions

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Media, Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Jazan University, Saudi Arabia.


The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the infographic in serving the press content, and its contribution to the development of editorial and design templates. This helps to be able to deal with the digital quantum and the information explosion. The researcher also noticed that this direction required an in-depth scientific study that contributes to providing accumulated knowledge to establish it on scientific grounds besides the aesthetic aspect of it. Moreover, the study also offers some recommendations for newspaper layout designers and editors.
Considering the above, the research problem was narrowed to a central question: How effective is the use of infographics in developing the journalistic contents and the layout designing of newspapers? The sub-questions are: To what extent did the infographic contribute to solving the problem of editing journalistic material that is full of numbers and information so that it does not push readers to lose interest? What are the most important issues covered by the infographic, and what are the most important types of it used in newspapers which are used as the study sample?
