Critical analysis of the cognitive, theoretical and methodological frameworks for social media addiction research in Arab and Western studies during the second decade of the twenty-first century

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media Literacy, Faculty of Specific Education - Zagazig University.


This study is based on the perception that these social media networks allow individuals to meet psychological needs that are not fulfilled in real life. These needs include, for example, obtaining social support, a sense of belonging to a group, and disclosing the hidden aspects of personality (Bakhit, 2015, 7).
There is a research stream that believes that addiction affects the psychological and social manifestations, prompting several researchers to conduct studies to evaluate the level of research in this area. They aim to monitor the most prominent research and theoretical trends, evaluating their results, uncovering their weaknesses, and suggesting new directions for research. These studies depend on qualitative analysis and second-level analysis of a sample of scientific production related to social media addiction research which is also published in periodicals.
Therefore, this study is concerned with monitoring the development of the cognitive, theoretical, and methodological frameworks in social media addiction research to find out the dimensions related to the psychological and social effects of that phenomenon. This could help to set an initial roadmap for the agenda of research interests in this area.
