Experts’ view of the role of the media industry in promoting the model of knowledge economies in Arab societies and their trends as one of the strong sources in these societies

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The research problem of this study is trying to identify the role of the media industry in the Arab world in promoting the model of knowledge economies in Arab societies, and the extent of its ability to utilize its role as one of the sources of soft power in these societies.
This study derives its importance through a set of starting points:
- This study is considered one of the first empirical studies "non-theoretical studies" that tackle the topic of the relationship between the media industry and the economics of the knowledge-related field in the Arab world.
-  It addressed the elements of the phenomenon studied in the context of four Arab societies, which offers a comprehensive analysis.
- It stems from the significance of the issues it addresses, whether it is the relationship between the economics of the media industry and the economics of the knowledge-related field, or the issue of the role of the media industry as one of the most important sources of soft power in Arab societies.
