Professional competence requirements for public relations practitioners in light of digital citizenship and its impact on achieving integrated quality:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at Saad Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences


This study aims to identify the professional competence requirements of public relations practitioners in light of digital citizenship by developing six standards to measure the content of the curriculum, the personal attributes and characteristics of the relations practitioner, communication skills, the requirements of digital citizenship, the requirements for applying the quality management method, the investigation mechanism, and its reflection on achieving comprehensive quality through... The application was applied to experts and specialists in the field of public relations, professors at Gulf universities. The application was done through a sample using the comprehensive inventory method on four Gulf universities representing three Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The study reached many results, including the respondents’ confirmation of the importance of the academic curriculum and keeping pace with the requirements of the times. The curriculum should include digital citizenship techniques through thinking, analysis, and problem solving, training on the mechanism of communication with media outlets, and the necessity of providing modern digital technology tools, including laboratories and devices. Experts stressed the need to benefit from social media services in their communication with the public, along with the necessity of forming a knowledge society through use. Optimization of information technology through the support of senior management for the comprehensive quality program and conviction in this role.
