The Impact of societal crises on corporate social responsibility programs:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant lecturer in the Audiovisual Media Department at the Canadian Higher Institute


The study has aimed to examine the role of organizations during the Corona crisis, to identify their social responsibility programs and strategies. It is a descriptive study, it has used the survey and comparative methods, it has used the questionnaire tool applying to 60 respondents. In its theoretical framework, the study has been based on the sequential model of organizations social responsibility and the communication model of organizations social responsibility.
The main results:

There are no statistically significant differences between the respondents regarding social responsibility programs according to the organization's activity and ownership.
There are no statistically significant differences between the respondents regarding crisis management strategies according to the organization's activity and ownership.
The studied organizations used many communication means to promote their social responsibility programs during the crisis of Corona; “social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, ….others)” came at the first place by (80%), followed by “organization 's website” in the second place by (65%), then “printed materials” by (61.7%), then "seminars - conferences" by (48.3%), followed by "TV advertisements" by (25%).
The studied organizations held social responsibility programs during the crisis of Corona to “build their positive mental images and good reputations” by (85%), then “to participate in facing the crisis” by (50%), and to "respond to their audiences” by (43.3%).

