Frameworks for treatment international news websites for the Economic Repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - South Valley University


The present study aims to identify the treatment of international news websites for the  Russian-Ukrainian  war, the reasons that led to the development of events in Ukraine and their consequences, and this study is one of the descriptive studies that used the survey methodology, in addition to relying on the content analysis tool for news and materials that were published through the websites.International news such as (CNN website -CCTV website-Al-Arabiya website- France24 website-Russian RTwebsite) and the study reached several results, as following: The study reached several results, the most important of which are: the diversity of economic topics presented through news coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the sites under study. We find that international sanctions came in first place with an average of 275.4, and a relative importance estimated at about 30.4%, given the strength of the Western reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And the resulting international economic disputes due to their different orientations towards the war under study. The study also concluded that Ukraine and Russia were the most important active forces present in the materials that were analyzed, due to the nature of the conflict between the two main parties (Russia and Ukraine), and they came in third and fourth place, respectively. International organizations, China, and America due to the reactions of these organizations towards the Russian invasion and their rejection of this invasion and the protection of Ukrainian refugees and the defense of their rights. The negative trend was primarily to address this war in the sites under study, and the most important functions of the frameworks used in dealing with the Russian-Ukrainian war in the sites under study. It is limited to presenting the current situation of the issue, then presenting the consequences of this war, then presenting the causes of the war. The most important multimedia used in covering the Russian-Ukrainian war in the sites under study are still images, then video comes in second place, and the category of more than element, then hypertext and audio recordings.
