Social media and its role in the educational process

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at the University of Sharjah - United Arab Emirates


The research topic is the importance of studying the use of social media in the educational method. This study is considered a descriptive study that aims to collect data related to university students - an innovative study - social media and their orientation towards using it in education, in addition to studying some of what is related to them.
still. To use; Such as gender, social status, educational stage, etc. This study is based on scanning used to obtain information or descriptions about the phenomenon and topic.
The study concluded that the study sample agreed on the need to enable Arab universities to encourage students to use more technologies in the classroom, and to teach curricula using social media, as this will help develop the communication skills of university students. They also agreed to teach most of the lessons through social media.
The study focused on topics of social media, educational process, and communication skills.
