Media treatment of the global economic crisis in international news sites in light of the use of digital rhetoric: a comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


She holds a doctorate from the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University


   In light of the current global economic crisis and the extent of its impact on the economy at the Arab and local level, and the extent of its repercussions on the Egyptian economy, there was a need to study the media treatment of the global economic crisis in international news websites, in light of the use of digital rhetoric; Knowing how to present the crisis and how deeply it is addressed, seeking help from experts to provide appropriate solutions and proposals, highlighting the basic causes, and striving to find solutions to the current crisis.
The research aims to identify the media treatment of the global economic crisis in international news sites in the light of the use of digital rhetoric. This study is a descriptive study. The researcher used the media survey approach and the content analysis tool. International news outlets dealing with the crisis: Sky News, Independent Arabia, Among the most prominent results of the study: The study sites agreed to rely on the most important components of credibility that support the credibility of the news content presented on their sites, by presenting fundamental reasons for the economic crisis at the global level, And it was represented in: the Corona pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and raising interest rates, presenting proposed solutions at the local level to the crisis, and relying on reliable sources in presenting information. Seeking the opinion of experts, economists, and government officials, balance in presentation, comprehensive and integrated coverage, and adherence to the positive trend in news coverage, The results of the study also revealed the employment of study sites for digital rhetoric of persuasion, and the re-presentation of traditional persuasion rhetoric (Trust, Ethos, Pathos, and Logic Logos) in a new digital image in digital media discourse through the use of links to images, articles, and videos to support logical persuasion arguments (Logos), and the employment of Multimedia to support arguments of emotional persuasion (Pathos) and support trust (Ethos) in the digital content provided through the site. The results of the study showed that the study sites used the concept of remix by remixing some expressive images or video clips with some data, through the use of infographics and videographics. The study sites were characterized by the use of interactive design (Responsive Web Design), which is suitable for different screen sizes, The results of the study showed the employment of the study sites for multimedia and their use of visual rhetoric in addressing the news content, and they dealt with many forms of digital narration used in presenting the news content. Pillars of Digital Rhetoric (interactive - hypertext - and multimedia), in addition to the current standard, ARRI), The results of the study also confirmed the use of interactive narration techniques or (interactive writing) in the use of hypermedia and informational graphics (images accompanying the text - video clips within the context of the text of the news article - maps and illustrations accompanying the news material), as well as the use of hyperlinks and activation of words. Active (topics related to the news topic).
