Ethical and Professional Dimensions of Citizen Journalism and Its Relationship to Digital Citizenship:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in the Journalism Department - Canadian Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology

2 Assistant lecturer in the Journalism Department at the Canadian Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology


This study aims to explore the ethical and professional dimensions of citizen journalism and its relation with digital citizenship in the context of technological advancement and the digital revolution witnessed globally at the end of the twentieth century. The study examines the practitioner’s positions in the field of public relations regarding ethical issues on social media, with a focus on the social and culture context that influences individuals.
The research adopts both analytical approaches (quantitative and qualitative) and field research to analyze observed cases through citizen journalism. Using a survey method, the study sample consists of purposive sample of the general Egyptian public exposed to social media, aged 18 and above. The sample includes 200 participants ,males and females, from the greater cairo governorates.
Key finding of the study include :

Overall results indicate that citizen journalism plays a significant role in enhancing digital citizenship, developing skills, fact-checking, and political awareness among university students. The importance of providing training and education in this field is highlighted.
90% of participants believe that citizen journalism can contribute to the development of research skills and fact-checking. Additionally, 80% of participants believe that citizen journalism contributes to enhancing political awareness and civic participation among university students.
85% believe that citizen journalism has a role in promoting digital citizenship among university students.
95% of participants recognize the existence of professional ethics that should be adhered to in citizen journalism. Similarly, they believe that citizen journalism can contribute to combating fake news and unreliable information.
85% of participants believe that university students should receive training in citizen journalism and related digital skills, while 75% believe that citizen journalism can contribute to combating misinformation and promoting transparency and anti-corruption in university communities.

