The emotional effects resulting from circulating disaster news through citizen journalism on social media sites

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University - Iraq - Kufa


This study seeks to clarify the role that citizen journalism plays in monitoring and following up on events and covering material and human losses during disasters, and the resulting emotional effects and repercussions that occur to recipients as a result of sharing photos and video clips published by social media. Users who are close to events.
This study is considered a descriptive study that relied on the survey method. The study was applied to a random sample of 450 members of the Iraqi public, and used the dual process model to deal with tragic events. The study reached a set of results, the most notable of which are:

Citizen journalism plays an important role in expressing the feelings of different responders toward disasters, through content produced by the citizen journalist closest to the events through social media sites, which gives these videos an audience that leads to the formation of public opinion. Opinion regarding these disasters.
Respondents increased follow-up of disaster news via social media sites, over a period of time sometimes reaching four hours, compared to the follow-up time before the disaster occurred and by the same respondents. This indicates the intensity of following disaster news on these sites, and this may be due to users intensifying the hours of follow-up to understand the extent of human and material losses and to know the reactions of the afflicted during the disaster. .
Facebook was the most prominent social networking site according to respondents, and the most widely used and published citizen journalism site for dealing with disaster news.

