The impact of digital storytelling for the brand in advertising on the audience's attitudes toward green products:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Information, Cairo University


Among the new methods in creating digital marketing content is digital story telling advertising, or a combination of texts, audio and visual effects, and digital tools used to produce a digital story that expresses the brand, its history, how to use products, and encourages their purchase in an interesting manner that includes information and entertainment aspects together by disseminating it via digital platforms and social media.
And there were many studies that dealt with the digital storytelling of the brand in various types of products and to measure its impact on consumer attitudes  and perceptions and their different responses.
This study starts from measuring the impact of digital story telling advertising on consumer attitudes towards green products and green brands through an experimental study on 50 individuals divided into two groups to compare the effect of advertising in the digital storytelling style and digital sales advertising on the respondents' attitudes and their evaluation of the advertising content.
A positive relationship was found between the use of digital story telling advertising and the attitudes of the sample towards green products with the three components of attitudes (cognitive - emotional - behavioral), but the study did not prove statistically significant differences between the respondents in their attitudes towards the brand or their evaluation of the advertising message style.
The researcher believes that the storytelling method may be suitable for awareness and public relations campaigns with more than direct selling campaigns .
