Content industry in digital media and the professional pressures affecting it Digital TV in the Greater Mafraq Municipality in Jordan as a Model

Document Type : Original Article


Doctoral researcher in the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Information, Cairo University.


The study aimed to demonstrate the reality of employing digital transformation techniques, technological challenges, and human and professional challenges in creating content in digital television in Mafraq Governorate. The study relied on the analytical survey method. The study population consisted of all workers in the municipality of Mafraq, amounting to (550) employees, male and female, and the study relied on using the stratified random sample method to select the appropriate number of the study population, among the employees, and the number of questionnaires that were retrieved was (195).
The study showed that there was a medium degree of approval of the journalistic content industry in general, and at the level of variable fields, the field of employing digital transformation techniques came in the first degree with an arithmetic mean of (3.70), then the field of pros of using digital media came in the second degree with an average of (3.82), and in the degree The third came the field of reasons for using digital media technology in the news content industry with an arithmetic mean of (3.67), while the field of skills of digital content makers came in the fourth degree with an average of (3.58), and in the last level the difficulties of using technology with an arithmetic mean of (3.49).
By results of the study, it recommends: Intensifying the training of those in charge of producing digital content professionally in the news story industry and pushing them to acquire the skills of a comprehensive journalist, and the need for media organizations to pay attention to modern digital technologies and to include them in all stages of journalistic content production and the work environment in the institution.
