Mechanisms of the communicator to verify the accuracy of the news in light of the information chaos in the era of digital publishing:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University


The digital age has revolutionized the way news is communicated, consumed, and shared. The growth of digital publishing platforms has provided a new dimension for news contact persons to showcase their expertise and reach out to wider audiences. However, this transition has brought new challenges and practices that require advanced technical skills to deal with. News contact persons in journalistic institutions face significant challenges in the digital transition process. Besides the necessity of the communicators possessing the necessary digital skills and tools to produce distinctive content in line with the digital age, there is another equally important challenge which is the awareness of communicators to deal carefully and professionally with the huge and massive flow of data and information, especially as it has become related to the accuracy and correctness of this content.
The dissemination of fake or inaccurate news negatively affects the credibility of the journalistic institution with the public, especially in the context of concerns about the credibility of new digital media models and the difficulty of monitoring them. Therefore, there is a need for research to identify the attitudes of contact persons from the news editors in Egyptian newspapers towards the importance of verifying the accuracy of information and news during information chaos in the digital publishing age.
This study aims to identify the attitudes of contact persons from the news editors in Egyptian newspapers towards the importance of verifying the accuracy of information and news in the midst of information chaos in the digital publishing age. The study also seeks to monitor and identify the mechanisms used by the communicators sample in verifying the accuracy of information and news before publication, especially in light of the massive and continuous flow of information and data across various platforms, the widespread dissemination of misleading and fake information, the extent of the qualification of the study sample and their ability to use the available digital tools to verify information, and the extent of possession of digital tools and skills by communicators to enable them to create accurate journalistic content in the digital publishing age.
The research also aims to identify the extent of awareness of the journalistic institutions they work for regarding the importance of content verification, especially in the age of information chaos they live in, by monitoring the strategies of those institutions to qualify their journalistic team to be ready to face and deal with the challenge professionally. Additionally, the research aims to identify the most important obstacles and challenges faced by the news contact persons sample in the processes of verifying the accuracy of the content.
The study in hand belongs to the field of descriptive studies, and relies on the survey method with a descriptive and analytical approach. The researcher used a "Questionnaire" tool as a means of collecting the required data from news editors in digital platforms of Egyptian newspapers. The research community in this study consists of a sample of news editors working on digital platforms in Egyptian newspapers.
The study recommended the need to provide units specialized in verification in news departments in particular - these units secure the needs of newsrooms by providing a quick response to journalists to verify the validity of specific information, especially requests to verify video clips or images, or the extent to which some clips relate to the meta description attached with them. In addition to the urgent need to train our journalists to possess tools and skills to verify information, the study also confirmed that the rapid spread of news on social media and the lack of skills among journalists to verify the accuracy of that news and the predominance of the journalistic scoop are the three most important obstacles and challenges to verification processes
Regarding the obstacles and challenges that the study sample news contact persons see as hindering the procedures for verifying the accuracy of news before publication in the digital publishing era, most individuals in the sample believe that the speed of information dissemination on social media platforms and the spread of content by untrustworthy or unqualified pages and individuals, and the quick dissemination and spread of news by social media audiences without verification, are major reasons for the spread of inaccurate news. Some news editors and news organizations republish the most circulated news.
