Social comparisons on social media: how the use of social media by Egyptian woman impacts her body image and Self Esteem.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University


This study aims at exploring how social comparisons performed by the woman on social media help formulate her body image and self Esteem. The study was conducted using a snowballing sampling technique with the participation of 500 female Egyptian users of social media. The study made use of three measures: body image, social media comparisons and self Esteem
The study concluded that there is an inverse correlation between how heavily the Egyptian woman uses social media generally speaking on the one hand and how satisfied she is with her body image on the other hand. The more she uses social media the less she is satisfied about her body image. However, there is no correlation between how much she uses social media and how she appreciates herself.
Also, the study established that there is an inverse correlation between Egyptian woman proclivity for social comparisons on social media platforms with other women and how satisfied she is about her body image. The more ready she is  for social comparison on social media the less she is satisfied about her body image. 
The study also demonstrated a direct correlation between the type of social media sites used by the Egyptian woman and her proclivity for social comparisons with other women. There was a direct correlation between Tik Tok and Youtube and her proclivity for social media comparison with other women. The heavier the woman   uses these two sites the more ready  she is for social comparison with other women.
