Attitudes of faculty members in Egyptian universities towards the use of digital technology in the educational process

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Media, College of Specific Education - Yat University


1-71.5% of the respondents believe that the most important platform they prefer to use in the educational process is the Zoom platform.
2- 75.5% of the respondents believe that the most important reasons for using digital technology in the educational process are that it is a necessity imposed by the current era.
3- 55% of the respondents believe that the most important evaluation methods that they follow in the educational process through digital platforms is always following up on students' reactions about the course through the digital platform.
4- 78% of the respondents believe that the most important negative aspects that you faced during education through digital platforms are problems related to the weakness of the Internet.
5- 78% of the respondents believe that the most important negative aspects that you faced during education through digital platforms are problems related to the weakness of the Internet.
6- The respondents had a positive attitude towards the use of digital platforms in the educational process (the cognitive side) with an average of 2.37, (the behavioral side) with an average of 2.40, while in the (emotional side) the trend was neutral towards the use of digital platforms in the educational process with an average of 2.15.
7- There is a medium positive relationship between the extent to which faculty members use digital technology in the educational process and the total degree of attitude towards the use of digital technology in the educational process, as it was (0.3 < r < 0.7), which is a function at the level of 0.01.
8- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of rural residents and urban residents in the extent to which faculty members use digital technology in the educational process for the benefit of rural residents.
9- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of faculty members in theoretical and practical colleges in the extent to which faculty members use digital technology in the educational process in favor of faculty members in theoretical colleges.
10- There is a weak direct relationship between the motives of the faculty members' use of digital technology in the educational process and the total degree of the attitude towards the use of digital technology in the educational process, as it was (r<0.3), which is a function at the level of 0.05.
