Exposure to influencers through social networking sites and its reflection on the value system

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University


The study aimed to examine the relationship between the exposure of Egyptian youth to influencers through social networking sites, and the value system formed by them. Social networking sites, followers of influencers, using the survey newspaper, and the study was conducted during the period from 1/8/2022 to the period 10/31/2022. The study concluded several results, the most important of which are:
- The high rate of exposure of Egyptian youth to influencers through social networking sites, as the high level came first
- The motives of exposure of Egyptian youth to influencers through social networking sites are primarily utilitarian motives; The motive of "gaining experience and information about new goods and services" came at the forefront of utilitarian motives
- It was found that the attribute "attractiveness" came in the first place among the dimensions of the dimensions of the credibility of influencers through social networking sites, with a mean of 1975. Whereas, the phrase "influencers have a fun personality" came in the first place with a mean of 4900., while the attribute came “Proximity to the influencer” came in the last place, .-, where the phrase “I can reach what the influencer reached one day” came in the first place, .
- That "economic values" came in the first place among the elements of the value system related to the Egyptian youth, the study sample, , followed by "social values" in the second place, with an average of 2.3775, while "moral values" came in the fifth and last place.
