Framing the youth's issues in "The Twenties' Bump" podcast: A Social Responsibility approach

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Radio and Television Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


The research problem of the current study was the lack of knowledge about how the Egyptian podcast - targeting the youth category - presents the youth stage, its issues, needs, and challenges. Accordingly, frames, discourse, and the active actors, through which these issues were presented, were identified and analyzed, in addition to evaluating the extent of the presenters’ commitment to the standards of the social responsibility, both professional and social. The current study relied on the quantitative and qualitative approach of content analysis, where the "The Twenties’ Bump" podcast was chosen, based on a prospective study, and then the researcher analyzed the episodes of the first season of the series, and a content analysis form was designed for use in both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study found that the focus was on humanitarian and societal issues in the first place. Despite that the topics of the episodes of the first season were in touch with many important topics and issues that young people go through at that age, and despite the good cultural backgrounds and scientific specializations of the presenters of the episodes, and their provision of information and rich experiences mainly related to what young people live, and the simplicity of their conversation style, which makes it close to young people on the one hand, on the other hand and due to their age and their lack of practice in the media field work, they sometimes lacked the professionalism of dealing with topics, whether in relation to the level of language or in the presentation of issues. With regard to the frames through which the topics were presented, the frames of interpretation, presentation of solutions, and human concerns were used in the first ranks, which is positive in raising the issues, and the solutions were mostly based on the idea of the individual’s responsibility for himself and not placing his responsibility on others, as the solutions were rational and practical.
