Attitudes of young media professionals towards biographical documentaries presented on the Netflix platform

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University


 The purpose of this study is to find out the attitudes of young media professionals towards biographical films presented on the Netflix platform. By evaluating the quality of documentaries watched and the level of confidence in their content. In addition, the study seeks to evaluate the artistic form in which documentaries are presented, as well as the ethical aspects and the effects resulting from their follow-up.
Netflix raised many questions, particularly with regard to the content provided and the impact of the new format on media workers. Therefore, the study conducted a questionnaire on a sample of 150 young media professionals and a focused discussion group with six participants.
The study found that the majority of young media professionals have a positive attitude towards biographical documentaries on Netflix as a source of knowledge. In addition, the majority of the study sample believes that ethical aspects are present in the biographical films presented on the platform. Moreover, the study revealed that watching autobiographical documentaries can lead to emotional and behavioral changes to varying degrees.
Netflix has influenced the documentary genre by producing high-quality, engaging documentaries that delve into a wide variety of topics. The platform's documentaries are often distinguished by creative methods of storytelling and investigation, and the quality of their production rivals that of cinematic films.
