Exposure of Egyptian media professionals to Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media sites and their attitudes towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Menoufia University


The current study aims to identify the exposure of Egyptian media professionals to Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media sites and their attitudes towards it. The study relied on selecting a sample of Egyptian media professionals in media organizations in a deliberate manner, and that sample consisted of (58) individuals in different disciplines (press, radio and television) in media organizations (Al-Ahram Foundation, Akhbar Al-Youm, Al-Gomhoria, Radio and Television).The researcher also designed a questionnaire as a tool for the study to collect data. It included two axes, the first of which represents a measure of exposure of Egyptian media professionals to Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media websites. While the second axis represents a measure of the attitudes of Egyptian media professionals towards following the Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media websites. The statistical package for social studies (SPSS) program was used to analyze and interpret the results of the study.The results of the study concluded that the volume of exposure of Egyptian media professionals to the Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media sites is large and came to a high degree. The results of the study also showed that the attitudes of Egyptian media professionals towards following the Metaverse technology through Arab and foreign media websites are strong and came in a high degree, as the estimated weight on the five-point Likert scale reached (3.5120) and the standard deviation (1.1294(.
