The Arab satellite channels' websites address family issues Comparative Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Radio and Television, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University


The research seeks to analyze the sites of Arab satellite channels to identify the frameworks that were used in dealing with family issues, by listing all the materials that deal with those issues, the study sample that is on the main page of the Arab satellite channels sites, the study sample during the analysis period. The research used the media frameworks theory, and the results found that there were statistically significant differences between the direction of treatment of Arab family issues on the MBC website, the Rotana website, and the National Media Authority website, where it was found that the “F” value amounted to 28,241, which is a statistically significant value at the 0.001 level. Where the results of the study confirmed that the direction of treatment of Arab family issues on the MBC website: came in the forefront (negative treatment, then in the second place the treatment that combines the negative and positive trends, and then in the third place the positive treatment), while the (positive trend is the introduction of trends on the Rotana website) , then in the second place the negative treatment, and no result was mentioned during the study period towards the treatment direction that combines the negative and positive trends), while (the treatment direction that combines the negative and positive trends was issued an introduction to the treatment trends on the website of the Egyptian National Media Authority, then ranked The second is the positive treatment, then in the third place is the negative treatment). Based on this, it can be said that the hypothesis that says: “There are significant differences between the direction of treatment of Arab family issues on the MBC website, the Rotana website, and the National Media Authority website, which proves the validity of the hypothesis that: there are There are statistically significant differences between the treatment of family issues in the study sites, the MBC website, the Rotana website, and the National Media Authority website. The research recommendations were: The necessity of developing Arabic websites for TV channels and providing them with interactive services for the Arab family to achieve the greatest possible benefit from them in presenting reasons and ideas and reaching solutions to the issues raised. The need to pay attention to the selection of programmatic and textual forms and templates for electronic presentation through which materials, images and videos are transmitted, and away from the traditional form of information transfer and presentation without adequate analysis and balance in handling, objectivity, trust and credibility in all aspects of the issue.
