The effects of Mobile news application’s notification on the consumption pattern of its consumers

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication at Al-Khwarizmi International College - UAE


The study seeks to explore the patterns of news applications consumption, the role of push notifications in marketing of the application’s content, consumer’s preferences of the push notifications to interpret the user’s choices of news reading and neglecting the others and understanding consumer’s motives and attitudes towards the notifications beside the gratification obtained. The study found high rates of news app consumption among older age groups, 25-50% of notifications are used, and acquiring information is the powerful motivation for using the news app. There is a relation between the rates of notification consumption, Information seeking motivations, and "cognitive and social" gratifications. There is a relation between the consumption rate of news notifications and the way consumers using it. The respondents with high consumption rates of news feel happy from receiving a large number of the pushed notifications, while those with low consumption rates cancel the pushed notifications without reading them.
