Technical frameworks for websites, and their impact on customer loyalty, to support the digital transformation of the Egyptian state, in light of the 2030 vision

Document Type : Original Article


Public Relations Professor Assistant Faculty of Arts - Media Department - Assiut University


With the rapid technical development, the needs of customers from different service or commercial institutions are increasing, as well as the level of their aspirations to get services or products faster and better, which demonstrates the importance of the Egyptian state's vision of digital transformation, which aims several axes, including improving the customer experience in obtaining products and services, and in light of this study aimed to identify the extent of the Egyptian public's reliance on websites for goods and services,  and  The most prominent factors affecting customer loyalty to websites,  in order to reach the determinants affecting the effectiveness of digital transactions, which will support the Egyptian state's vision of digital transformation 2030, and the study relied on the questionnaire tool, the most important results of this study were as follows:

All eight website selectors (customization capability- contact interaction - customer connectivity with the site - customer service - user community - extending the diversity of options - ease of use - site characteristics) are important for site users in relation to electronic transactions,   and these factors are highly linked to loyalty Customers for a website.
Contact interaction ranked first in terms of being the most important factor for the customer in terms of shopping through the website, and the presence of research tools that help the consumer to search who the categories are for the customers sample study with regard to the interaction of the contact.
The results of the study also showed the interest of customers of websites in the dimension related to customization,  it came in the second place in terms of characteristics that customers care about when dealing with the website, where the public is  interested in the site to provide him with recommendations for services related to its   needs, and send him the appropriate offers for it,  but this did not contradict the d-issue related to diversity  On the website, which ranked fifth in terms of the determinants preferred by customers when shopping online.

