The effectiveness of Using Blended Learning in Teaching Montage As one of mass communication Subjects via Microsoft Teams Application a quays experiment study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Higher International Institute for Media - El Shorouk Academy


This study aims to measure the effectiveness of using blended learning in teaching Montag as One of Mass Communication subjects Via Microsoft Teams Educational Application
Theortical Framwork:-Construtvism Theory wich explain the role of teacher and the student in Online Learning and the Importance Of self Learrning in Blended learning
-Quais expermen - Pre-Posttest for each group < /p>
Sample: Two Groups of Student (60 from Elshourok Academy Mass communication Institute) every group is applied differant Strategy of Blended Learning (flex&flipped)
1-      there are several significant Differences between pre and posttest in two groups in scores of written exam and the grade of practical exam
2-      2-there is no significant different between two groups in measuring attitudes toward Appling blended learning in teaching Montage
3-      there is no significant differant between the flex and the flipped stratigies in asheving scores in written exam and practical exam or changing the attitudes toward Appling the Blended learning strategies
