Information transmission in two stages & the role of opinion leaders in the age of social media:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, College of Arts, Kuwait University


This study aimed at: To know the sources of information that they use in times of crisis, such as the rain crisis that fell on Kuwait in November 2018, which led to the suspension of government agencies and schools for two days and the suspension of traffic throughout the country
The results showed that the main source of information in the three stages is traditional media, followed by social media, and then direct communication, which confirms that traditional media is still the main source of information and news in times of crisis, and the results showed that 43.4% of citizens search for information. At the beginning of the crisis. As for opinion leaders, the study found that they greatly influence the public through giving advice, as 30.5% of the respondents confirmed that they listen to the opinion leaders ’advice and directives more often than among 47.7% that opinion leaders have influence. The largest is the time of crises
