The role of Iraqi satellite channels in developing sports culture among university youth

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at Baghdad university – faculty of mass communication


The goal of the search is to
1- Knowing the university youth’s interest in watching sports programs through TV channels
2- Detecting the level of exposure of the research sample to Iraqi satellite television channels for the purpose of following up on sports programs The research used the questionnaire newspaper as a basic research tool to study the audience in the field and explore their views on the topic and represent the human field of research in the male students of Baghdad University registered for the 2018-2019 academic year And females, and within the level of primary education, as the community included students of all academic stages and within the scientific and humanitarian disciplines at the university.
The research has produced a number of results
1- Sports activities are met with a large turnout of university youth, at a rate of (53.9%), despite their academic and family ties.
2 - The type of viewing was (46.1%) always, (35.3%) sometimes, and (18.6%) rarely. As for I do not watch, it is not related to them.
3- The majority of university youth follow football 78%, after swimming 9.8%, athleticism 6.8%, and finally the basket 4.9%
4- Sports programs increased youth awareness, their sports information and their love for games by 86.2% and contributed a little 9.8% and did not contribute 3.9%
