The effectiveness of the use of TQM in improving the quality of educational service in the Egyptian media faculties and sections

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Beni Suef University.


The problem of the study is determined in: Monitoring, analysing and interpreting the effectiveness of using TQM in improving the quality of educational service in the Egyptian public universities' media colleges and departments in order to reach educational outcomes capable of meeting the needs and requirements of the labour market through a field study on a sample of 240 individual students from the faculties and departments of media in the universities of Cairo, Ain Shams, Al-Azhar, Sohag, and Zagazig, within the framework of the service quality model, and the study ended with a number of results, most notably as follows: 1- Weak educational curricula in media colleges and departments in Egyptian public universities, and the absence of balance between courses of a theoretical nature compared to practical ones.
2-Failure to take into account the comprehensive quality standards in the teaching and learning methods used.
3- The results of the study revealed the lack of training capabilities available to the faculties and departments of media in Egyptian governmental universities, whether in terms of human, technical or technological aspects, in a way that does not fit with the requirements of total quality. 
