The role of social media in the management of crisis and disaster communication

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University.


This study is a descriptive research, as it seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of how to manage crisis and disaster communications through social media. The researcher relied on the case study approach. The researcher selected a set of case studies that took into account the diversity and the different source and causes of the crisis, as there are institutional crises (Domino's Pizza - British Petroleum - Volkswagen - Malaysia Airlines) and others resulting from health risks and natural disasters (Swine Flu in South Korea - Hurricane Sandy in the United States - Japan earthquake and tsunami - Thailand flood). These cases reflect both positive and confused practices in using social media to manage crisis, risk and disaster communications. With the aim of learning from the experiences and practices of others by uncovering their strengths and weaknesses, Practical Knowledge, and identifying their communication strategies in response, and their effectiveness in containing the situation and reducing the negative repercussions of the crisis or disaster.
