Attitudes of international media discourse towards the crash of the Russian plane in Sinai (October 2015)

Document Type : Original Article


: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The current study focused on analysing the British media discourse, the American media discourse and the Russian media discourse on the accident of the Russian plane crash. Based on this analysis, the results of the study can be summarized as follows: (A) discourses of international media: The discourses of the British media on the accident of the Russian plane were represented in three paths (the path of the terrorist act, the path of the economic consequences of the accident on the Egyptian economy, the conspiracy on Egypt). It is clear from this that the British, American and Russian media discourse agreed on two discourses, the first being the discourse of the terrorist act, and the second one being the discourse of the consequences of the incident on the Egyptian economy. while the Russian media discourse was unique to the path of "technical defect." The speech also used various vocabulary to express the conspiracy theory directly (conspiracy soup, foreign conspiracy against Egypt, an Anglo-American intelligence operation) ... and some units of the American discourse included a set of vocabulary linking the conspiracy and the Egyptian government's response to the economic consequences of the accident (the Egyptian government intervened to save the tourism sector, prepare for the worst case, thinking about what could be done to limit the negative effects of the disaster). 
