Americanization of political TV ads in the presidential elections of 2012

Document Type : Original Article


: Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


This paper analyzes the discourse of the political television advertisements included in the electoral campaigns of the 2012 presidential election candidates with different ideological trends: Islamism, liberalism and socialism, by using the "Norman Fairclogugh" critical approach. The advertisement of the candidate Mohamed Morsi is considered the most literal in terms of the emirate model, in terms of his artistic production, and in terms of his narrative sequence in expressing the interests and demands of the poor, toiling and marginalized groups, while the candidate's announcement discourse was contradictory, illogical, and sometimes exaggerated, in terms of his speech. On the good of Egypt with scenes that do not reflect this good, and in terms of his speech on the concept of absolute justice that gives everyone what he wants without seeking it with a scene of unemployed people sitting on the sidewalk of a café in a popular neighborhood, and in terms of his expression of himself as the light coming to illuminate the darkness that Egypt came to him after the revolution. As for the discourse of the television advertisement of the candidate Hamdeen Sabahi, it expresses his commitment to the revolution, its youth, its slogan and its goals, as expressed by the youth of the revolution. 
