Ethics of exercising the right to criticism within the media discourse of protest movements on the Internet

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts - Minia University.


The problem of the study lies in the comparative analysis of the media discourse of a sample of the protest movements' websites, in order to identify their positions on the issues raised in the discourse, the perceptions they presented to the effective forces, and the strategies and the persuasive methods used. The study also seeks to analyze the relationship between the issues raised in the discourse on the one hand and the forms of deviation from the ethics of criticism according to the media honor pacts on the other hand, within the framework of the two theories of critical analysis of media discourse and analysis of media frameworks. These results confirm that the Egyptian public is in need of in-depth knowledge and conscious understanding that enables it to form a knowledge building and form objective opinions, especially with the low level of moral commitment of the protest movements in criticizing various issues, whether political, security, economic or other, as well as with the contradiction in the media discourse between the protest movements according to the direction of each movement and the goals it seeks to achieve. 
