The ruling Professional standards of news coverage of terrorism events in the Egyptian press

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


This study sought to reveal the nature of the professional standards governing the dissemination of news of terrorist events by analyzing the content of a sample of these events in Al-Ahram, Al-Wafd and Al-Shorouk newspapers, as well as conducting several interviews with a sample of communicators involved in covering these events to reveal the pressures they face in dealing with these events. A set of general results can be elaborated as follows: 1- The results reveal that the political and security situation and the time context that Egypt is going through in the aftermath of the June 30, 2013 revolution exerts a clear influence in shaping the context of journalistic practice, defining the mechanisms of professional and ethical engagement with this practice, and proposing a system of values ​​that should be adhered to within the framework of what the state raises from slogans of achieving national alignment and the war on terror. the results reveal an apparent adherence to professional standards that exceeds the value of accuracy at the expense of other standards such as balance, depth and diversity in response to this time circumstance and the problematic societal context.
The results also asserted a high level of adherence to formal accuracy in dealing with terrorist events, as there is accuracy in statistics, figures and official data and caution in dealing with terrorist sources, and at the same time there is an ignorance of sources, especially security and military sources, with the issuance of judgments that push coverage in some cases.
