The role of Saudi mass media in promoting a culture of dialogue among university students

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University.


The current study deals with an important issue, which is to know the role of the Saudi media in promoting a culture of dialogue among university students.
The researcher reached the following results:
- That university students in the Saudi society follow the various media outlets influenced by what these media broadcast in various aspects, as 28.4% of the respondents expressed their strong agreement on the role of the media in promoting the culture of dialogue in the Saudi society.
- Some university students assume different personal styles that they see through the visual media in the way of speaking and dialogue, such as: technical figures and sports figures such as players, especially in the field of football, and the effect may be positive. University youth gain some verbal and non-verbal communication patterns.
-The prevalence of some expressions that some university students listen to, and among these expressions are Western dialects and languages ​​about the culture of Saudi society, which develops the cultural communication aspect between different groups in university circles.
- Changing the positions and attitudes of some university students towards some issues that concern them in particular and that of society in general, which makes them reject or accept these issues.
The media provides an opportunity for university students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to express their views on various issues of concern to society, through direct contact on television programs that deal with those issues, or through cultural dialogues, or through social networking sites.
