The use of social media in Kuwait:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, College of Arts - University of Kuwait


The study reached a set of results, the most important of which were:
First: The validity of the four hypotheses of the study stating that there are no significant differences according to the responses of the sample members in (the use of social media by Kuwaiti youth, the importance of those means, and the impact of social media) due to gender (male - female), or the existence of differences attributed to a variable (Age), or differences attributed to a variable (educational level), or differences attributed to a variable (marital status).
Second: The motives of the study sample's use of social media are:
Beneficial motives: targeting self-recognition, acquiring knowledge, information, experiences and all forms of learning in general, which are: Social media made the sample members open to the world more and its average is (4.03), then social media increased the culture of its users and its average is (3.93). Likewise, social media follow-up was (326) at a rate of (32.6%), while the lowest percentage was following sports news with (3) percentage (0.3%). The motives for visiting social media sites are also represented in obtaining the latest information, whose number was (436), (43.6%), while the lowest percentage was to highlight his personality, which was (7), percentage (0.7%). These results are consistent with the study (Reda Balkhiri 2012).
Ritual motives: aiming at spending time, relaxation, friendship and familiarity with the means and escaping from problems.
