Interactivity role in developing the performance of communicators in the daily newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Sohag University


The study proposes- with regard to the scientific aspect - to analyse the content of these comments to know the nature of the observations or additions that they make to what the communicators publish, and the extent to which that contributes to the clarification of facts in the events which are addressed by the communicators or in refining the opinions that they present, and studies on: the effect of comments on developing the performance of the communicators in the various media that have interactive sites on the Internet in general, and studies on the media that have interactive pages on social media.
Of course, there may be negative violations of these comments, but our study showed that the final impact of these negative comments is minimal, as (72.5%) of the respondents answered that they are not affected by them at all, which means that the arguments behind placing restrictions on the free publication of the comments are false arguments, In fact, it refers to the newspaper's desire only to publish the voices that support the trends it follows, and to suppress the different voices, even if they carry the truth in their folds.
The study also calls on newspapers to oblige their editors and writers to write their e-mail accompanying the material they publish on their pages, at least in opinion materials, so that every reader has the opportunity to interact directly with the owner of the published material. 
