The role of social networking Sites in the acquisition of educational Media students self-learning skills

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University.


The research problem is determined in studying the role of social media networks in acquiring students of educational media with self-learning skills and strategies, it can be concluded that social media networks have provided youth in general and students in particular with opportunities to socialize with their friends through many social sites such as Myspace or Facebook or upload their own videos on YouTube, or other sites, in addition to That is, they learn through social networks using the method of direct self-education by searching for information in the circle of their interests, or obtaining this information by communicating with those who can help them, and this is considered a method different from the method of education used in most universities or other educational institutions, as those in charge On the educational process, they prepare experts in the field and determine the content that is taught, without considering often the methods of self-learning that are supposed to be acquired by the learner, because of their extremely dangerous importance to his future life in general .
