Kuwaiti elite uses of electronic journalism and its impact on their relationship with newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Journalism, Department of Media, College of Arts, University of Kuwait


In the context of interest in describing the journalistic work environment and trying to diagnose the future of paper journalism in Kuwait, the current study aimed to monitor the uses of the Kuwaiti university elite for electronic journalism and their preferences and the extent of saturation achieved by this use, by identifying the mechanisms and factors that determine the motives for their use of electronic and paper journalism by applying the media survey method on the Kuwaiti academic elite, "Kuwait University professors as a model", The results resulted in a set of indicators related to the relationship of the Kuwaiti academic elite to electronic journalism and its impact on their relationship with the paper press in the State of Kuwait, the most prominent of which are as follows:
The results showed that more than a third of the sample used the Internet for a long time, ranging between 10 - 15 years, followed by those who used the Internet for a period ranging between five and ten years, then those who used the Internet for more than fifteen years, and finally those who used the Internet for less than five years. These results reflect the interest of the academic elite in keeping pace with the modern means of communication represented in the Internet, and this may be due to its use in their field of specialization as a source of information and scientific studies in addition to following up on news and various issues.
The results showed that the most prominent reasons for using the Internet for the academic elite sample were: to benefit from the international network of information in scientific life, to keep pace with technological development, to belong to a generation experienced in modern technology, to master the Internet and to own computers in a manner that facilitates the process, in addition to other reasons such as the ability of the Internet to provide more renewable and immediate information in transmitting events, ease of access and saving the time that may be consumed by going to buy the paper newspaper.
