Public reading of image in the printed newspapers and the factors affecting it:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media at the College of Media and Communication at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University - Riyadh


The theory of strategy ended in its interpretation of the concept of visual perception of a press image among readers, as expressed by Ross and Gross, to the development of three axes that dealt with how readers interact with images that are presented in newspapers: the existential materialistic meaning: that is, the evaluation of things as precisely defined facts, and the meaning that is tainted by ambiguity. The interconnected meaning: that is, evaluating things as facts that are likely to exist; this can be called the symbolic significance. It was classified into five axes that measured the level of interaction according to the degree of effort exerted by the readers in their dealing with the press image, and the same result indicates that the Saudi newspaper readers, the study sample interacted with the press images in its five axes in a high manner, with a general average of (3.22 / 4.00).
The global analysis arranged in descending order are: attracting attention, understanding and remembering, the general view of the characters of the image, the link between the photo and the press text, the achievement of the professional employment of the image, the analysis of the elements of the press image, and this This means that the press image is important to readers and has an influential communication message. The results showed that the level of motivation of the sample members towards reading the image and paying attention to it is very high, with an overall average of (3.36 / 4.00). This means that newspapers' reliance on images as an independent communication message or accompanying the press text is an important source in pushing the public to read the newspaper and prefer it. As for the images that are more preferred by the readers, the results of the study indicated that they prefer images of topics and events in the first place with an average of (3.61), while they prefer in the second place the pictures of caricatures with an average of (3.38). The aesthetic pictures and formation ranked third among the sample individuals with an average of (3.07).
