Determinants of funding crisis in the newspaper industry, and the vision of journalists and press leaders of strategies for managing this crisis and its current and future impacts.

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The main objective of this study  is to analyse the aspects of the financial crisis facing the print press industry in Egypt, the set of organizational, structural and societal factors that produced it, the implications of this crisis, its effects and results, and the vision of the press leaders and journalists of the most important strategies to confront it by conducting questionnaires and interviews, on a sample of 150 individual journalists and press leaders, in a number of national, party and private Egyptian newspapers. This study has concluded with a set of important results as follows:
- Journalists and press leaders are more inclined, to believe that the press industry in Egypt is facing a severe financial crisis, which may result in a threat to the existence of this industry. On the other hand, a large proportion of respondents consider that the print press industry is still able to restructure itself and overcome its crises.
- The results of the study concluded that there is a major set of factors and indicators that reflect the essence of the economic crisis facing the press industry, and that these indicators can be classified into two main groups: The first is represented by the industry's problems and its own internal environment, and is represented in the low level of competence and expertise of those in charge of affairs. As for the second group, it is represented in the factors related to the external environment that constitute the context of this industry, the most important of which is the fierce competition that the print press industry is exposed to from the Internet, newspapers, websites and social networks, as a result of the tremendous potential that these new media possess, and their ability to disrupt the traditional press industry market.
