Recent trends in religious drama research

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at Umm Al-Qura University


Amidst the growing interest in the production of religious drama in its various forms, the research necessity called for studying the quantitative and qualitative content of Egyptian, Arab, and foreign religious dramas. The research problem of this study is determined by identifying recent trends in studies related to religious drama in terms of areas of research and methodological frameworks used. The study used a survey of scientific research papers in foreign and Arab countries from 2013 until 2019.
The study provides a complete summary of the most prominent findings of religious drama studies and identifies the most important modern theoretical trends and the methods used in this field of study. The researcher used a qualitative analysis method for scientific studies that belong to the field of religious drama. The research sample is a total of 48 studies; varied from 11 Arabic studies, and 37 foends in religious drama whether it is Islamic, Christian, Jewish, or other non-divine religions. The researcher concluded a set of futuristic visions for the religious drama research area.
